Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC |

Cultural Magnet Destination City ( WebSite ) |
The city of Ithaca, The Cultural Magnet Destination City of the tri
- state region of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.
This webpage is broken down into three sections ( using aol hometown webpages ) ~ which you double
click your mouse on.
Ithaca's Fashions' Index.
Ithaca, New York.
Three: The vintage shops, and this is where those with higher fashions values in what to wear on those
extra special occasions, as well as theatre and movie producers / costume directors should go to find that one item which
makes the difference.
Its Shangri - La
Shangri - La Gifts and Publications outlet on Ithaca's Historic Commons is ground zero for style and design creativity
for the Ithaca - Tompkins county central New York region. Here in this small shop backup by an impressive Internet network
supporting base is Gosline and Kim working on new innovations from scratch. Everything they do is hand sewed into intricate
stiches and support seam pannels on the some of most creative fabric imported form Main Land China.
Every effort has
been put in making various female shapes look more sensual while at the sametime in classy styles. A combination of which
no one here within this region can compare to since the vacating of Angelheart Designs [mostly dressy flax designs ] almost
ten years ago. Here shape and form and taste melts into the social and personal expectations of those who made it within the
upper middle class, not forgeting the sturggle in how they got their; the essential echo of all Shangri - La's female customers.
Mr. Roger M. Christian
In 1998, we formed Shangri-La Publications to care for the riches of the mind, to promote cross-cultural understanding,
and to lead the way in human rights. Our main headquarters is at 3 CoburnHill Rd, Warren Center PA 18851 and retail shops
are in Ithaca, Cortland, & London, England.
In Ithaca, New York.

Located at: 154 The Commons
Phone: 607-254-6614

Product line 1 Product line 2

See throughs are coming! |

Styles like this started to appear in the Summer of 2004. |

Editorial focus:
It is a big one too ! IE. The leading International issue: Nudity and Fashion Sense issues are melting
together to re-define the very sharpness ( the cutting edge ) of styles in such a way as to push the present limits.
Moreover, there is every indication that styles --- which will be actually worn in the public at nightclubs
and dance parties --- will have topless features are just around the corner. Already with
more womyn becoming recognized as leading International fashion designers ( largely due to AIDs, and not increased liberalisms
in this industry ) and see throughs are also on the increase as a result.
In reviews of several famale groups, the post feminist era is redefining pride in ones body in ways in which
Betty Friedan would question. In this case it is being led by womyn ( who were created by the feminist revolution
) whose very desires and aspirations are looking for more freedoms, as the feminist traditionalist are viewed as being
more, and more Victorian. Moreover, there is considerable evidence that nudity fashion issues are defining issues which
is creating the new diachotomy between the subjectiveness, as once perscribed in the philosophy of founders of the feminist
revolution-which is built around a sociopolitical view point of female collectivisms, and the recent - new feminists' views
of objectivism. What is happening is that nudity fashion issues, the implications for giving womyn wide choices for
those who are 32 years old and younger are now switching to objectivism from which personal enjoyment. physical fulfillment,
the impetus behind body sculpting, tatoos, piercings, commitment to Yoga, along with surgeries, and impulse satisfaction are
all a part of the new feminist visions and recent fashions...Everything from flourishes in design which can take
upto 45 yards of material to the self revealing styles which takes less than a yard of material.
Physical - female body adorations ~ all outwardly egocentric and inwardly self-nurturing...
This is the acceptance of Ayn Rand's philosophy of objectivism which rejects collectivism of the traditional
feminists to individualism for total personal enjoyment and physical liberation.

Womyn's heatlth issues, as they are as diverse in solution findings as they are also several leading expertises in varied
sub-fields of knowledge, are increasing becoming more difficult for a womyn to decide what is the appropriate medical
protocol to implement. Thus one of the leading contemporary focus of social and cultural medical concerns for both Men,
in support roles only, and Womyn are Womyn's health issues. This site, as you, the computer USER, must be fore-warned,
is an attempt to plow through vast array of information in an attempt to depict the alternatives which are now available.
More important, as several additional studies have likewise concluded, funding
for more needed womyn health issues in medical research is very limited in as much as the beneficiaries for such
research are womyn, instead of men which " we " recieve litterally the Lion's share of public funding. Therefore, and
in order for this to change, males will have to become more demonstrative in sociosexual concerns for the health of each and
every womyn, as we, then, have our own-equalitive sociocultural practical. Not the present day idle predilections. Then,
and only then, will the purse strings for needed ... see.....>>>>>Health Watch.