A clean pair of heels --- Sam Lyster, timesonline.co.uk, London Times blog Times Newspapers
Ltd. http://timescolumns.typepad.com/a_clean_pair_of_heels/ |
A Socialite's Life --- pop gossip This is the blog of Miu von Furstenberg. To be enjoyed
with a martini. A Socialite's Life provides you with your recommended daily dose of celebrity gossip, photos, fashion news,
and media speculation - brought to you in digestible bites. To be enjoyed with a martini.
http://www.socialitelife.com/ |
All About The Pretty --- Julia, Washington, D.C. A Southern Girl's Guide to All Things Beautimous http://www.allaboutthepretty.blogspot.com/ |
Almost Girl --- Julie Fredrickson, almost novelist Where Plato and Prada Meet http://almostgirl.coffeespoons.org |
American Fashion Girls --- heathermc "Are Fashion trend magazines answering to your need to
keep in touch with new fashion trends and wearable and affordable fashion? This is the goal of American Fashion girls,
your Fashion trend magazine!" http://www.americanfashiongirls.com/ |
AnnieInMotion --- celeb, fashion AnnieInMotion.com will give you Annie's often amusing,
often sarcastic thoughts on pop-culture, ranging from celebrities to the NY Times, and sometimes even both. http://annieinmotion.com/ |
Asian Leprechaun --- Says the Asian Leprechaun... In a spirit of revenge over the widespread rejection of materialism,
the fashion world has taken advantage of new ways to be esoteric. http://perryspizzaparlor.blogspot.com/
Bag Lady --- Katherine Hannaford, Ed. Bags, Purses, Belts & Bling: Blogging
about accessories - life's little necessities. http://www.thebaglady.tv/ |
Beauty News --- Elke: I'm a Celebrity & Editorial Makeup Artist, and live in Los Angeles and NYC. I get
to work on photo shoots, celebrities and even real people! ;) http://beautynews.blogspot.com/
Blogdorf Goodman --- Annieytown - Ytown, Ohio A girl with too many coats and an addiction
to fragrances. http://blogdorfgoodman.blogspot.com/ |
Bois de Jasmin --- Victoria, thorough, detail oriented. Perfume Reviews and Reflections http://boisdejasmin.typepad.com/ |
Brain Trapped in Girl's Body --- Tania, Brooklyn The Exciting and Terrible Adventures of a Perfectly
Fine - Dare I Say, Above Average - Human Brain Doomed to Live Its Every Minute in the Confines of an Ordinary Girl's Body. http://braintrappedingirlsbody.blogspot.com/ |
Brown712 --- Marsha Reid The art of handbags, shoes and jewelry. http://www.brown712.com/ |
bunnyshop --- Brooklyn, NY shopping fashion shopping fashion shopping fashion really
not so much about bunnies http://www.bunnyshop.org/ |
C'est Chic --- mireille, Seattle, WA my occasional musings on life, love, art, perfume
... what else is there? http://cestchic.blogspot.com/ |
cafe-mode --- en français Babillages et cafouillages d'une fille (presque) à la
page http://cafe-mode.hautetfort.com/ |
Catwalk Queen --- Gemma Cartwright, ed. Shiny Media The award-winning zine & daily
blog that brings you all the style, beauty, celebs & shopping you'll ever need! http://www.catwalkqueen.tv/
Chanel Amour --- anonymous registration, Domains by Proxy chanelamour.com brings you
all the latest news and reviews on Chanel covering haute couture, ready to wear, purses, jewelry, events and people. http://www.chanelamour.com/ |
Charming, but single --- formerly, “A Dateless Journal of Drinking.” Charming,
but single is 25 26, lives in the Southern part of the U.S.A. and likes both her drinks and her boys tall. http://charmingbutsingle.blogspot.com |
Closet Therapy --- Los Angeles A place to rant and rave about new fashion trends that
I love or hate. http://www.closettherapyblog.com/ |
ClothesHoarse --- Welcome to LA.com an insiders city guide to Los Angeles, California (CA). Find LA shopping,
restaurants, Los Angeles nightlife, bars, clubs, theater, LA attractions, parks, beaches, la hotels, la showbiz and more. http://www.la.com/clotheshoarse// |
coolchiq --- style is everything, comfort is nothing http://www.coolchiq.blogspot.com/
Coquette --- Natalie Zee I am a fashion lover and a techie at heart. In my present
life, its all about the exciting world of crafts and DIY, working for Make Magazine. http://coquette.blogs.com
Couture in the City --- Angelique Sims, ed. Couture in the City embodies the latest in fashion,
trends and elegance and ties them together in a fun and feminine way! We provide information about celebrities, style and
the latest indie fashion and accessories. http://coutureinthecity.blogspot.com |
Delight --- anonymous registration, Domains by Proxy Dedicated to the Cult of
Shopping. Daily reviews of stylish boutiques, fashion blogs, sales and sweepstakes, with a dash of celebrity and insider fashion
scoops. http://www.delight.com/ |
Delush --- DeLush Media, LLC DeLush is dedicated to seeking out and reviewing
beauty products in order to provide our readers with honest descriptions that will provide them with the ability to more easily
discover products that work for them OR find out what products aren't even worth trying.
http://www.delush.com/ |
DFR lookonline --- New York DFR: DAILY FASHION REPORT - by lookonline.com, Membership
features, Members' homepage Daily show & event schedule Who's who in ny fashion pr directory New York fashion industry
report Market reports http://www.lookonline.com/blogger.html |
Downtown Darling syndication --- New York City Follow us as we scour the city looking for the latest
and greatest. Whatever the fashion find, we'll keep you informed (as long as we didn't buy the last one, of course). http://downtowndarling.com |
Dutch Fashion Foundation --- Based in Amsterdam, DFF manages a network of approximately 50 of the most talented Dutch
fashion designers. http://dutchfashionfoundation.typepad.com |
EB Rue --- AshleyPE You don't have to be materialistic to enjoy fashion. That's
why there's EB Rue! http://www.ebrue.blogspot.com/ |
Fashion Asia --- Malaysia "This is a blog about my passion = Fashion. Although the
title may sound "Asia-ish". Well, i wont confine myself to just asian fashion, it will be mostly about My-kinda-fashion. :)" http://fashionasia.blogspot.com/ |
Fashion Forum --- UK Fashion Forum is a forum for all kinds of fashion styles and trends.
Fashion followers and fashion designers love this site. Model fashion, movie, celebrity fashion and fashion chat. http://www.fashion-forums.com/ |
Fashion Genie --- Molly Gender: female Location: Pennsylvania : United States Interests Fashion Music and Chick
fa la Favorite Movies Pretty Woman Office Space Revenge of the Nerds any halloween movies
http://fashiongenie.blogspot.com/ |
Fashion is a Verb --- Ellie is a pseudonym. I'm soooo new to the Fashion Industry. Read
along as I muddle my way through my attempt at a succesful career in Fashion. Share my failures! Revel in my triumphs! You'll
laugh! You'll cry! http://fashionablyl8.wordpress.com |
Fashion Musings --- the fashion musings of brittany ancell http://fashion.typepad.com/
Fashion Style Chic --- Fashion Style Chic comes from an L.A. woman on the hunt for the latest fashions and bargains
online and around the town. http://fashionstylechic.blogspot.com/ |
Fashion Tribes Daily --- 5 magazines and this blog Insider fashion, lifestyle, pop culture
and entertainment scoops from New York City and around the world. FASHION TRIBES DAILY podcasts everyday and does a weekly
videoblog for your guilty pleasure. Give a listen, get addicted. Fashionistas, welcome home.
http://www.fashiontribes.typepad.com/ |
Fashion-era --- Pauline Weston Thomas Fashion History, Costume & Social History
from 1780 to 2005. Regency, Victorian, Edwardian Fashion Eras. Body Adornment, Jewellery, Perfumes, Makeup, Underwear History.
Pictures. Fashion Drawing. Forum http://fashion-era.com/ |
Fashion-Incubator --- Lessons from the sustainable factory floor http://www.fashion-incubator.com/mt/
Fashionologie --- fashionologie is the musings of a twenty-something American girl who wishes she could have
a Freaky Friday incident and switch bodies with Phoebe Philo. http://www.fashionologie.com/
final fashion --- Danielle Meder Age: 22 Gender: female Astrological Sign: Libra Zodiac
Year:: Dog Industry: Fashion Occupation: Illustrator, Student, Technical Designer Location: Toronto : Canada http://finalfashion.ca/ |
Fluffy Stuff --- JellyGirl, Singapore Food. Fun. Fashion. But not in that order. According
to E-mode, Josh Hartnett is my teen celebrity match, "Groove is in the Heart" is my theme song, my inner rock star is Britney
Spears (ack!), my perfect car is a convertible, my power hour is lunchtime, I would be R2-D2 if I were in Star Wars and a
Scottish Terrier if I were a dog. Howzat? http://ditzyspice.blogspot.com/ |
Flypaper - Stuck on Style --- Bluefly Inc. is a NASDAQ Smallcap Company Find designer clothes at
discount prices at Bluefly. Buy designer handbags, designer shoes, designer dresses, designer jewelry and more from brands
like Prada, Fendi, Gucci and Ralph Lauren. http://flypaper.bluefly.com |
Frugal-Fashionista --- Want your favorite celebrity's look but don't have a celebrity budget? Frugal-Fashionista
finds the latest fashions without breaking the bank. http://frugal-fashionista.blogspot.com
Go Fug Yourself --- Heather & Jessica, Well Played, Inc Fugly is the new Pretty http://gofugyourself.typepad.com/ |
grechenscloset --- Online fashion, style and shopping website, Designer directories of where to buy online luxury
and designer brands, directory of online shopping sites, exclusive discounts, reviews of trendy items, what to wear, and more. http://www.grechenscloset.com/ |
Guise --- missy-j, Singapore Shopping is my cardio. Let it also be clear now.
My blog is not one of those discreet marketing blogs. http://missy-j.blogspot.com//
HEL LOOKS --- Selected street fashion from Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The pictures are taken in
the streets and clubs of Helsinki from July 2005 onwards. http://www.hel-looks.com/index.php
High Heels Blog --- We here at High Heels Blog are obsessed with high heels. Some of us with buying, wearing,
and finding just the right pair.... the rest of us? Well, we're obsessed with their beauty and oh-so sexiness. http://highheelsblog.com |
High-Fashion High --- Lipped Media, Miss Cinnamon, Jane Choo “designer style to put
your mind in a tizzy.” Fashion blog focusing on exquisite high fashion, haute couture, designer apparel, fabulous
shoes and runway fashion http://www.fashion-high.net/ |
HighSnobiety --- Geneve, Switzerland HighSnobiety tries on one side to be a filter
for news and trends in the urban streetculture segment. Other than that HighSnobiety also creates its own content by having
special features on outstanding people, stores or products. http://www.highsnobiety.com/
Hypebeast --- Vancouver, BC The Online Magazine for Fashion, Sneakers, and Culture
Boosting a large audience base and loyal fans Hypebeast has expanded into one of the best resources of information for the
street wear market. Hypebeast has no definitive audience base but appeals to the great majority, reflecting the diverse and
multicultural scene in street wear. http://hypebeast.com |
I Am Fashion --- Harrods Girl, Barneys Girl I (Harrods Girl) was getting fustrated
that there were no simple websites telling me what was going to be in fashion. http://iamfashion.blogspot.com/
I am pretty nyc --- Kim Weinstein i am pretty nyc a makeup and beauty site. I do MAKEUP
and not hair. http://www.iamprettynyc.com/blog/index.php |
In My Bag --- Hot bags, not so hot bags, and all bags in between http://inmybag.blogspot.com/
Jack and Hill --- Jack & Hill: A Beauty Blog - make-up, cosmetics, perfume, and the substance of style.
What do you get when you throw a true beauty obsessive in Europe together with a veteran beauty journalist in LA? http://jackandhill.typepad.com |
JasmineShops --- Chicago I thought a little mosey down Bond Street, a little sniff
around Gucci, sidle up to Ralph Lauren, pass through Browns and on to Quags for a light lunch.
http://jasmineshops.blogspot.com |
Jonniker --- Jonniker, Northeast United States - What would you wear for camouflage if you were hiding
in a gingerbread house? Where am I? No, um, seriously WHERE? WHERE IS THIS PLACE? http://www.jonniker.com/
just jared --- New York celebrities + dance + entertainment + deals + dvds + design
+ digital lifestyle + fashion + film + food + friends + funny + gadgets + gizmos + gossip + headlines + media + movies + music
+ news + nyc + pop culture + rants + shopping + snowboarding + style http://www.justjared.com/
Karin's Style Blog --- Looking at the world with a designer's eye. This blog covers my inspirations and my thoughts
on topics such as beauty, patterns and things. http://www.karineriksson.se/blog
kim's blog --- i am pretty nyc a makeup and beauty site by Kim Weinstein
http://iamprettynyc.com |
Kiss Me, Stace --- Designer Ella Fashion blog obsessing over fabulous shoes, giving
recommendations, and scouting out the latest and hottest in the world of style. Much, Much Ado About Fashion “Too Darn
Hot” and What Not to Wear. http://kissmestace.com |
kitson --- Los Angeles Kitson believes that shopping should be fun!! Our team
of buyers are always on the hunt to find the hottest and newest trends. Don't try to call them as they are always on the go
- traveling constantly between New York , Los Angeles and Europe to stay one step ahead of the competition. http://www.shopkitson.com/ |
Knickers --- Edinburgh, UK Knickers is a fashion weblog dedicated to all things
lingerie: it features new collections, coupons, designers, and of course, points out beautiful lingerie for women every day. http://knickersblog.com |
Koneko's *Mostly* Beauty Diary! --- "The Totally Official Archived History of the "UN-made-up Make up Junkie!" Welcome to my
chronicle of beauty, cosmetics, skin care, hair care, and fragrance! (Which also parallels my descent into great debt!) I
hope you enjoy!!!" http://beautydiary.blogspot.com |