To make our lives happier !

First pick your correct area which is represented, such as Florida, on this website.
Then join the general Yahoo @ Cultural Zionism Get - Together ~ membership networking listings here on this webpage. This Yahoo membership will give you
access to chat rooms, and items your are interested - as per your subsequent requests. Then go to the linked or
assigned State - region nearest you, proboards31 Forum and apply there for membership too. After which you will be invited
to join your MSN garin. This is to insure stability, and reasonable safety.
Later on as the membership increases, then additional Yahoo groups will be added - and subsequently monitored by added leadership
this process creates.
Make sure you bookmarked the social calendar of when cultural zionist meets, and yes, when chat rooms will
be posted, as well as other social events. Please note, the button - logos on varuous webpages on this website
are only for suggested activities only, your groups, or partner may choose something else instead - something you
might want to report back about-please do not hesitate in doing so on your assign proboards forums.
For those who have all ready established and firm zionist connections are encouraged to join the MSN Israel Information Center group.
Other and more specialized Jewish and Zionist groups will be added to this list, also and if you see possible
affiliations which should be made, then you are encourage to suggest them.
Remember everything is based upon both you making positive connections, and for those who would like to
do more, once you have been assured of your own personal interests first and foremost, become
more active in a assortment of directions you can take-this time you could - will receive some support by others
- who are now your friends and allies.

Let us know what you think!

Journal of the some of the comments made: