Oleh HaDash & Aliyah:
One of the most significant aspects of Aliyah, is from those who have returned back to the United States.
What this group exposed, is their interests in having more than two children is most striking. What happened in Israel
which caused a shift from a primarily a one child per family tradition ( which caused the replacement rate in Jewish demographics
in The United States to be 0.6 ) to more than two .
There were several challenges which could not be confronted sucessfully after their Oleh Ha - Dash benefits
ran out, the primary cause for returning, but their agressive nature during the first three to four years were extremely significant-that
created the dynamic. It is from the issues of the environment which the Israeli society is which allow other innate
qualities of being Jewish to emerge, and what it says of America, in what is missing, should be throughly investigated
- researched. Nonetheless, the impact is indeed helping, and suggest something lays beyond in which all of us should
really look at more closely.