Our Mission

The primary goal is for you to establish that one connection which has that one attractive Jewish value which speaks
to your own sense of who you are, or what you wish to be. The total emphasis is to allow this to happen by giving you
the additional awareness, that many, many others are also trying, or have in fact done. Thus, you are not alone. This even
goes the same-even if your connection and efforts may seem to be different or deeply personal.
If personal - it is no ones business. What the mission of this effort simply implys is to encourage you to make
it happen for yourself.
The next stage is one in which these connections are empowered by group associations if this is your need, simply to
make you stronger in your own personal individual convictions. There is something to the issue of resolves - but
when it happens it will be on your own ground, and no one elses. All judgementals are cast aside, cognizant of our deep
traditions though, but kept circumspect in order for you to find a safe harbor in which you can grow on your own legs and
Our History
Now in the process....