
This Persian Gulf Veterans website is part of Operation Proud to Serve of Ithaca, New York.
This is to foster easy social and cultural reintegration of returning veterans to Ithaca - Tompkins county, give support
to local service men and women, as well as their families residing within Central New York. Moreover, it is to assist
in the development of additional support networks by promoting more social and cultural opportunities at the same time.
this home page we'll introduce our group and highlight important areas on our site.
What this means is that we all have to think in positive
terms with regards to those of us who have served. Right now this veteran group, very much the Vietnam service - personel
are being likewise depicted on the internet in very negative and harsh terms. Thus we, those who have served must convey
the message " that we are proud to serve our country."
Membership Application Form:
Economic and Futures Development:
Something new. Developing a veterans' credit union, and how to build one and what havng one can
be of extreme value for those who are veterans. Moreover, and with 43,800 residence of Tompkins county being veteran
related [ someone in the immediate family is a veteran ], this is almost a must. Especially when you consider this population
segment in the largest permenant voting block [ est. yr. 2000 @ 68% ] in
all of Central, New York. This is real potential economic power by a group of individuals who are not lax when it comes
to hard work or sacrafice-real people.

The social and cultural activities are in two sections:
Baghdad Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC is one the club's focus [ by sponsoring Cafe' Baghdad ]. It is from this high profile initiative in which
local returning veterans, service men and women dependents, and supporters will have to opportunity to organize a social and
cultural programs, as well as seminars on Networking, Physical Fitness, Job Opportunities, Business Developments, and Special
Focus on the Family.
More importantly, it is to foster Inter - City Cultural Communications between the peoples of Ithaca, New York, and Baghdad,
Iraq. This will provide additional stream of news and information, while at the sametime fostering deep social and cultural
Remember basic tactics is to take the high, and in this case high social and moral ground locally.
The All American Dance Troupe of the 377th V.V.A. is where 12 to 18 Year old will develop a dance troupe by which local and national attention is placed on the continual
support of our service men and women, and their dependents. Moreover, the dance performances themselves are a fund raising
component for worth groups IE. Operation WE Care - which operates under the 377th V.V.A. title.
Blogs, Bloggers, and Journal sites which are in support of our troops:
Baghdad Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC. Beirut Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC. Cairo Night Life
( NightLife ), RMC. Tel Aviv Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC ... Persian Gulf Veterans USA ~ Links Page . |
Great Video |

by Lizzie Palmer Senior High-Schooler |

Operation Proud to Serve
103 West Seneca, Suite 206A
Ithaca, New York 14850
607 - 451 - 8663
Destination Cities :
Alexandria Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
The City of Miami and Miami Beach Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC

Networking - groups - discussions boards - etc:
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.
Operation Proud to Serve * Ithaca * NY * 14850